A Guaranteed Smile on Your Face (S.T.S.)


Sometimes inspiration can get impeded from flourishing in our minds due to the many distractions we have in our lives.  We get so caught up in the little stresses and anxieties of day-to-day life that we lose sight of all the great things that surround us. What is the best way to bring yourself back from all the worrying? Laugh, smile, and enjoy the little things. Here is a list of things that are guaranteed to get you smiling and get the good vibes flowing!  Continue reading

“What was the Number 1 Thing You Could Do Today to get Your Life More Rockin’ ” (S.T.S. and L.S.N.)

“What is one thing you know your highest self would be doing in this moment, in this day, in this lifetime. What is the one thing that you just know you could be doing to live a more extraordinary life.” – Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson, of Philosopher’s notes, continues to impress with his quick, detailed reviews of the world’s most influential, life changing books. Today’s book is “Flow” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Mihaly dedicated his life to studying what he calls, “Flow” and how people can achieve that state. Continue reading

Do You Think You Are Too Young or Too Old To Start Your Own Business? Then Read About Madison Robinson! (S.T.S.)


Two years ago Madison Robinson started a business making flip-flops in the shapes of sea creatures that light up. Sounds like a fun hobby for a young girl right? Well it has also turned into an extremely successful business selling 60,000 units and making over 1.2 million in revenue in the past year!


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