Publishing My Book (Part 1): The First Preview of My Book for the World (S.T.S.)

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Today is the first time I will be showing any of the material from my book to anyone outside my family and my editor. This will be the first of many updates, sneak previews, and leaks of my book that will be showing up in the coming weeks. The book is currently projected to be published in early January of 2014 so get ready, because it will be hitting the Amazon bookstore just after the new year! Continue reading

This Video Will Remind You Just How The Diverse The World Really Is (Triple T)

When was the last time you found yourself looking up at the stars and wondering what else was out there? Sometimes when we stop for a moment we get this chill down our spine, that we are so small in this world that is so big, that so much unknown exists beyond the walls of our “bubble” that it can feel overwhelming. At times it almost feels as  though the best  thing to do is never venture outside of our comfort zone into the unknown. I can say that in my life, the times where I have ventured outside of my comfort zone have been some of the most important, life changing moments in my life… and they will be for you too, when you take the first step… Continue reading

“It’s Pancreatic Cancer…” (S.T.S.)

On September 27th, 2013 we received the earth shattering news that my mom had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The past 6 weeks have been some of the toughest in my life but almost some of the most important. I have been tried mentally and emotionally in a more intense way than I can ever describe, but my challenges have been nothing compared to what my mom has battled against on a day to day basis. Through it all, some things have become resoundingly clear. Continue reading

“The Most Dangerous Risk of All” (Q.T.I.)



How many of us are caught up in the lie that success comes later and that we need more to get there. More money, more “success”, more recognition, more accolades. Somehow we seem to think only when we have “more” will we have “enough”. What would you say if I told you that you have everything you need to be happy, fulfilled, and live a spectacular life right now?  Continue reading

How Can I Find Love in My Life? (Q.T.I.)



To love. Smiling until it hurts. A warm shower. No one in front of you in the super market. A message. Listening to the rain fall. A warm cup of coffee. A phone call. Long car trips. Having a great dream. Overcoming a challenge. Taking someone you love by the hand. Listening to the laughter of your children. Running into an old friend in the street. Watching the sunrise. Making a gift. Waking up and realizing you still have hours left to sleep. Overhearing someone casually say something wonderful about you. This is living… Continue reading

Let Your Steps Inspire Others (M.I.F.M.O.L. and S.T.S.)

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Imagine hearing, “Please rise for the national anthem,” and being unable to join everyone in the crowd as they proudly rise to their feet to show support for our country. Dakota Forness had been unable to experience that feeling of unity with his classmates every time they heard, “On your feet for the school song,” so at his senior year pep rally, he decided to make a statement and do something he had wanted to for four long years.  Continue reading