Brilliant People Sharing Creative Ideas


Encourage people to dream, encourage them to imagine something bigger than what exists now, encourage them to think of possibilities far greater than anyone has ever imagined before. When you do these things, you allow people to let their imaginations take them to new highs and cross boundaries that have never before been crossed. Let yourself and those around you dream big…

Everyone Has Their Own Path


Take a moment to think on this, trying to change someone else’s path in life or how they find happiness could very easily drive you crazy! What is important is to focus on your path, focus on your happiness, then let that happiness spill over into the lives of everyone you come in contact with.

Insights from a brilliant author, Paulo Cohelo


Paulo Cohelo is a Brazilian born author originally form Rio de Janerio. This man, gets it. I recently finished one of his most popular books, The Alchemist, and it changed my life! He provides wonderful insights into finding joy in the complex, wonderful world we live in.


This sentiment in particular stands out to be me because so often in life we take on the mentality of, “I’ll do it later.” Whether it be in our relationships, our career, taking on physical challenges, or any other aspect of life it is far too easy to simply decide that later is a better time than now. Since now is all we’ve got, use now to take a step towards your dreams! It doesn’t matter how big or small the step because as long as you are moving forward, that dream is getting closer and closer to becoming a reality!