The Best Top 20 List of the Year (M.I.F.M.O.L.)



It seems that “Top 20″ lists are a fad all by themselves these days. The Top 20 Trips to Take in Your Twenties, The Top 20 Foods you Have to Try in New York, 20 Habits to Change this Month, The Top 20 Things Every 20 Something Should Know, the list goes on and on. I stumbled upon this one while scrolling down my Facebook newsfeed and was blown away by how simple and profound the words in it are. Take a moment, it won’t take more than 3 minutes to read, but “20 Things to Let Go of Before the New Year” by Shannon Kaiser will give you some of life’s greatest secrets in 20 short bullet points. Continue reading

Lessons from Cancer (Part 3): All I want for Christmas is you… (S.T.S.)

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Before I got home for the holidays, I was on the phone with my parents talking about Christmas presents. I asked, “So what would you guys like for Christmas?” My mom responded first in her typical fashion; asking for some small, inexpensive items, emphasizing that the most important thing to her was having the whole family together at home for Christmas and she didn’t need anything more than that. I then said, “And Dad, what about you?” He simply stated, “I want you, I want my wife to be healthy.” Although we were on the phone I knew he wasn’t talking to me, but instead was looking fondly at my mom while the words drifted out of his mouth.  Continue reading

How To Make Your Own Blog + 5 Key Tips for Beginners (L.S.N.)

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One of the most common things you hear in our society these days is, “I would love to start a blog/website, but I don’t even know where to begin!” Well guys, that’s what I’m here for today. My blog has been nothing but fun for me, has allowed me to vent, to expound on ideas, and above all to do one thing I love to do, write. For those of you out there that are interested, let me help you get started… Continue reading

Lessons from Cancer (Part 2): Making a Difference (L.f.C.)


If I told you that I knew someone who ran across country, my guess is you would be impressed. If I told you I knew someone who ran across country to raise money for cancer you would probably be inspired. If I told you that I have a friend who will be running from Baltimore to San Francisco, raising money for cancer, redefining her own limits, and running to honor the special people in her life, you might think I was lying. Well let me introduce you to my good friend, Sarah Eissler who will be running across country to fund raise, motivate, and inspire with 4K For Cancer.  Continue reading

Lessons from Cancer (Part 1): Cleaning Out of Clutter (L.f.C.)

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When I first heard the words, “It’s pancreatic cancer,” come out of my Mom’s mouth through the receiver on the telephone, I was beyond words. It didn’t take long for me to realize that the next few months were going to be filled with uncertainty, tears, ups and downs, and new challenges we had never faced before. Shortly after I came to realization I also understood that with these challenges would come some of the most important lessons I have learned in my life. This brings me to the first of a series I am calling, “Lessons From Cancer,” where I will highlight the biggest lessons that cancer has brought into my life and the life of my family. My hope in doing this is one, to show anyone fighting this same fight that they are not alone. I also hope to use this difficult time to help inspire others to focus on what truly matters in life and let go of the insignificant. Ultimately, these posts will serve as a way for me to vent, share with the world what I discover, and put them down somewhere where I can always come back to remind myself of these wonderful lessons that are coming in a very difficult time. Now let’s start with… Cleaning Out The Clutter. Continue reading

Publishing My Book (Part 1): The First Preview of My Book for the World (S.T.S.)

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Today is the first time I will be showing any of the material from my book to anyone outside my family and my editor. This will be the first of many updates, sneak previews, and leaks of my book that will be showing up in the coming weeks. The book is currently projected to be published in early January of 2014 so get ready, because it will be hitting the Amazon bookstore just after the new year! Continue reading